about me
name: peggie aw yen peng (hu yan ping)
D.O.B.: 21st august 19** (if u noe me well u should noe i how old too.. =X ) bloodtype: O+ ethnic: half thai half chinese icq: 52385590 irc nick: nuriko current wishlist: 1. manga of cuz ^_^ 2. cute mascots~~ like hp straps~~ anime or manga oso can~ 3. hmm... good paying job?? =P current fav movie: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Boss's Daughter, UnderWorld, Brother Bear My Japanese name is Megumi Aizawa. My japanese name is 長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 弓美 Yumi (beautiful bow, as in bow and arrow). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
B u B b L y D r E a M z
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WAH~~ juz packed finished moi manga cupboard... last time wanted a shallow shelf one.. then the whole cupboard to moi manga then can put one 'layer' can le... but the cupboard dad bought its so deep that can put two 'yaers' lor.. so now my yaoi manga (at the top most shelf of cuz..) got two 'layers', one in front the other behind... -_-|| took like one hr n half to get everything done to moi satisfaction!! >_<
oh yah... juz rem.. i MUZ go get 5566's cd.. ima, go write it down!! brb... *done* hahaha... had dinner n watched tv n read one manga too... lol.. XD shld be bbl... XD hmm.. need to scan moi manga piccy up too... cuz wanna do a webbie then can show off moi manga~~ ^__^ wow!!! moi have 197 manga in total now!! yaoi abt 100, shojo 100... so its half half ratio now~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 9:42 PM | 0 comments hmmm... this morning woke up ard 11am lor... so late.. n i slept yesterdae veri early lor!! 12:20am... so early for moi... cuz was too tired lor.... walked n shopped... ^_^ now waiting at home nuttin to do, waiting for fren to come moi hse la.. i helped her recorded holland v's finale then she no vcr so coming moi hse see see lor... oh yah!! got record the quan xing zong dong yuan got yenling inside ma~~!! ^_^ haha... imee moving back to her renovated hse so passed moi those manga that she bought but i havent read la... shoujo of cuz!! ^^;; got like 33 book!! haha... now i think so far read 8-9 books only~~ haha.. oh yah... is still nid to rearrange the manga in moi shelf cuz got tonnes of new ones i still havent put in.. all still in plastic bags... >.< then after i arrange (yaoi inside shoujo outside~~) the manga i gonna SCAN them all then make moi own webbie with one section being MNAGA i own~~!! kyaa~~ but not todae la... still got fish tank nid to change water... >_< lazy la... i abit sick too.... think its cold n cough... could be flu though?? >.> ~Praise the Lord~ at 2:16 PM | 0 comments hmm... soooo long no blog!! aiyah its moi ompie lor... the internet got prob... makes EVERYTHING flickers... so type one sentence beomes weird words... haha... todae woke up so early to work lor... selling uni at green ridge pri, bukit panjang... so far lor.... that's y had to wake up sooo early!!! then morning so cold.. brr... worked from 10am-3pm only... got 20 bucks lor... dunno next week still got not... hahaha... then after went to meet weekiong, samuel n dawa at lucky plaza billards... not the one moi class always go to one... only managed one game before we left.. n i got TRASHED by dawa lor.... was fun todae la... but sooo much standing n walking first was work then was otuside wif frenz... -.-|| hmm.. first time went arcade n play that gamey where u gotta put coins in then they push out one... hehehe.. juz realised they always go out n go arcade play that one.. hahaha.. we got win quite alot.. but still 'gambled' on... in the end used all... hahaha.. but got 210 tickets leh~~ ^_^ (too little for soft toy though... ^^;; ) hmmm... wat else eh.... oh yah.. now wanna pia work lor... then can get new hp ASAP mah... no hp really veri difficult to ENDURE... -_-|| haiz.. still flickering... -_- all sis fault... i use no prob.. she use then like this.... >_< ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:50 PM | 0 comments OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is my FAV quiz EVER!!!! muahahahha.... gonna do a few times to determine the REAL ans!! ^__^ its abt seme (the guy on top!!) & uke (the guy below!!)~~ XD 1st try: ![]() Are you a Seme or Uke? 2nd try: ![]() Are you a Seme or Uke? >_< then the other trys all seme or uke... ended up i got more uke... so uke i m~~ heard got in between.. but i cant seem to get it!!! will try more later... going bathe now nid to watch nezha aka feng sheng bang at 22:35 n its already 22:14!!!! >_< ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:14 PM | 0 comments hehehehe!!! it tastes superb!!!! muahahhaa... *hic* nice.... ^__^ but more of red wine though... not much umeshu taste.. gotta buy umeshu pure when i hafta money..... ^__^ *hic* oh yah... went watson that dae gathering bought a okashi box from meji got snacks inside n 4 CUTE teddies~~ $5.50 each box... then todae bought one more... cuz wanna collect all the teddies.. hic* then now i've got 8 all diff~~ asked them got how mani designs they dunno... -_-|| going their webbie to check it out~~ those teddies simple looking.. but the pattern cute ne~ then each got a small card wif their names n birthdays on it~~ cho kawaii da nya~~ ^__^ checked!!! wow!!! its actually a whole BIG set of birthday teddy!! dang!! now gotta spend dunno how much... then will i get satisfied wif wat i can get... argh!! 5.50 can get 4 teddies.... so 365/4 = 91.25 BOXES!! FREAK!!! how to get all that!! somemore dun even noe if it'll last after x'mas!!! >_< (will go check it out with watson personnel... ) *moi got new interest le!! collecting the 365 birthday teddies from meiji... anione noe how other than buying their okashi box tell moi k?? thanx a million!!!* ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:19 AM | 0 comments ![]() You are Chihiro! Child-heroine and loyal friend and daughter. You often put yourself at risk for those you hold dear to you and rightfully deserve the love which you are given. Which character from 'Spirited Away' are you? brought to you by Quizilla ![]() Your element is Water. You are a deep person and a good communicator. Incredibably loving and loyal when your trust is gained and you are fairly mature.Myterious to the utmost water is in everything. One can be an Ocean or a river but nobody truly knows you. What's your element brought to you by Quizilla ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:01 PM | 0 comments
![]() I'm completely down-to-earth! Find your soul type at kelly.moranweb.com. ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:44 PM | 0 comments aiyoh!!! todae sis sae gonna go wif moi to orchard's hello shop to get moi new sim card lor.. to replace the lost one.. but she 4.30 then back!! >_< so heck still went la.... in the end.. queued up le then the person sae "u gotta have ur mum's ic cuz its signed on under her name..." -_-||| wasted trip lor... so went heeren to get moi fav ice cream - RUM & RAISIN!! hehehe... then two flavour la.. that n green tea... the combi okie la... then sis wanted to have marshmellows so bought $1.55 worth lor... then went to walk walk try to get postcards movies ones... but all gone... >.< then walked to the bus stop go home one.. at taka there.. then suddenly rem long time no lib so juz went lor~ i got three books all new authors for moi.. moi fav authors no bks i havent read b4 available.. -_- sis got 4 bks la... then went to great world cuz she wanna eat the durian ice cream there.... later we went the cold storage to look for choya umeshu aka plum wine (15.0% alcohol) but they only had big bottle 37 bucks... so i bought another kind choya 'super umeshu wine' it's plum wine n red wine mixed together... cuz its moi DREAM since 13+ to try choya's plum wine.. hahaha... then smuggle it into the hse.. til now havent drink it yet.... hehehe.. gonna get a wine glass wif ice cubes inside into the room then drink inside here.... hope can DUN let dad noe... muahahahaha XD if nice ar then next time gonna recommend to moi frenz~~ ^__^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:33 PM | 0 comments damn!!! i did five times cuz dun believe results.... but 3 time got this... then one is cute angel one is frenly angel.. -.- ![]() <<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics ) brought to you by Quizilla ~Praise the Lord~ at 8:38 PM | 0 comments i tomolo then go take the new sim card.... the no. will still be da same though... the fone ar... haiz.... no $$ buy wat shit? even 2nd hand oso not cheap lor... exams faster over than can work n earn $$!!! >_< ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:18 PM | 0 comments tired!!!!!! juz rollerbladed to tbm fishie shop to buy fishes~~ got stop here n there la... side-track mah... got like 2 yrs plus no blade liao le... wah.. stamina ar... >.< then the pavements so...... 'bouncy' make my head juz now abit 'buay tahan' (cannot take it!).. hahaha.... but better than walking there la.... at least i think so... haha... =P ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:09 PM | 0 comments tired now~!! juz finished bathing only lor... todae's phy p1 was okie... but p2... *shakes head* then after went to tbp with v n boon to meet chun n imee cuz v wana get the application fom to do relief teaching... then was damn hungry so went wif chun n imee to great world to eat dinner... gathering la!! but v n boon date so too bad lor... todae got quite alot of us.. ^_^ go moi, chun, imee, huiching, janice, geraldine n jennifer!!! toobad meiyuan n merrylyn cant make it.... >.< but was okie la~~ we were soooooo rowdy in the foodcourt!!! luffing all the way... like gettng 'high'~~ then finished eating juz sit n tok n luff lor!! til we felt we were disturbing others then we left to juz walk ard... were in watson when they walked away n din notice i din follow... so called 'lost' moi... cuz i no hp cant do nuts... -_- then were looking for poker cards to buy.. (din bring mine.. >.<) cuz wanted to go the lounge at imee's hse to play then can on way buy some alcohol drinks... in the end dint... cuz scared te bar there sae cannot... but then there so smoky... so we came outside to the jacuzzi pool side table to play instead~~ played til 11pm wor!! learnt new game ne!! like snap but its name calling... like we have a theme then u named urself sth.. (eg. theme=movies, names we had each=pirates of carribean, wild things, intolerable cruelty *mouthful isnt it?*, my sassy gal.... etc.) then if two person has the same card opened (someone gotta give out the cards one by one face up) we gotta see who shouts name correct first then loser gotta take all of the person's card(s).. really was a FUN nite!!! ^___^ we dun meet often enuff!!!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:52 AM | 0 comments haiz... din study leh.... my fone!! T_T *sob* *sob** ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:15 PM | 0 comments ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! I FREAKING LOST MY FONE ON DA BUS TO SCH TO TAKE MOI EXAM THIS MORNING!!!!!!! >_< dun nid to call moi le... gonna get new sim card but same no... so send moi ur no... freak la!!! juz a few mins then i called hp "the subscriber blah blah blah.." damn!!!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:34 AM | 0 comments nee... anione got nice classical songs to intro moi?? i like a few but i dunno the songs one... sad cant even search for them.. if got hor.. can send moi or sth?? thru irc r icq or wateva... this song i listening to is dl from edmund's bloggie~ NICE~~ ^__^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:28 PM | 0 comments
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:19 AM | 0 comments cute.... ![]() ![]() ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:14 PM | 0 comments sis format comp. claim can fix comp. in the end. still like this. -_-|| freak. cannot type fast. argh. did veri bad for chem. failing liao la. ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:08 PM | 0 comments ![]()
this is 50 qns one.. then its first time i do... hmmm... they suggests do lotsa times then if still same then THAT is the results i wan... haha... no time la... later in the week or sth ba.. ^^;; ~Praise the Lord~ at 5:36 PM | 0 comments haiz.... did damn bad for maths paper 1 lor.... i got like HALF dunno how to do lor... then those i did... hear them discuss ans.. i not same only... o_0|| now wondering wats the lowest grades to get into uni.. ~Praise the Lord~ at 5:12 PM | 0 comments Yoshimi - "Happy Beauty" Sponsored by www.life-blood.cjb.net What would your Japanese name be? (female) brought to you by Quizilla juz had to do it when i saw this in moi sis's blog... did three times ans still same ne... =P still got lots i wanna do lor... but after A's i guess?? now stil trying to cramp all the maths formulae into moi limited brain usage capacity!! >.> ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:30 PM | 0 comments aiyoh!!! headache now!!! took two panadols.. but... still pain!!! argh... but only one min past la... todae veri hiong i think?? ^^;; early morning went ho swee CC to stdy lor... but ended up chatting n eating the tonnes of sweets sunny bought!! >.> then later after abt 2 hrs like that... started got ppl go the badminton court downstairs there play/train.. then theresa being the PROFESSIONAL badminton player... got attracted lor.. then they both go see them train while i TRIED to do SOME maths qns.... (in the end still ??? haiz....) then suddenly i see the two of them in the office.. wondered wat they doing then next min sunny come n ask later play badminton from 6-8 okie?? then i of cuz okie la~~ haha... *loves doing every other thing than studyin'.. ^^;;* so we all left there abt 4+ to go home change n bring rackets lor~~ but before that hor.. moi n sunny went to tbp to buy some drink or sth la.... ended up we went for a small shopping trip... haha... saw this KAWAII~~~ chick, yellow hp strap at CC.. wanted to buy then that sunny sae next time... -_-|| so went over to the value shop juz beside cuz at the jurong pt there they selling 3 cans of drinks for 1 dollar... in the end there is 2 for $1... aniwae... we ended up buying other stuffs there lor!! hahaha.. i bought a green sailboat wind chimes n a snowflake paper puncher for sunny while he bought a PINK (yayy~~) sailboat wind chimes n a big wine glass ( oh yah!! there todae got LJS jus opened there~~ hahaha... then while playing badminton we mentioned n mel they all sae wanna go there for dinner so we went~~ ^^ they walked while i cycled la... almost got lost.. luckily i asked ppl n they directed moi.. cuz all the hdb small roads ar.. i totally not familiar!! n they look SOOO different at night!! haha... *still headache!! how come!! panadol no use one!!* argh!!!!!!!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:55 AM | 0 comments oh yah.. sunny called to invite mi join him n theresa at ho swee CC to study lor.. so i going wif them.. gonna TRY to complete maths 2002... haiz.... hope can do at least half of p1 w/o asking them help... p2 can la.. statistics ma... =P this means i gotta wake up early man.. think i cycling there... lazy to walk there... not considered near lor... but oso not far la.. nvm la.. cycle lor~~ oso long time no cycle le~ short short dist better then nuttin rite?? =P ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:49 PM | 0 comments
A GARAGE-GURL. Youre into loud music, hot guys and wild fashions. Youre most at ease when youve got all your mates around you and you like to party. Boys are a game and youre always on the ball because you make sure youre always number one. Your virtues: Confidence, fun nature, sociability. Your flaws: Loudness, jealous tendency, need for attention. What kind of girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla dunno this accurate or not lor.. think its definitely off!! hahaha.... nee~~ if ya guys wanna try some cute or nice quiz i guess ya can go huini's bloggie.. cuz she does them every other dae~~ ^_^ juz read this shoujo manga that's sooo funny~~ its shoujo la.. but got yaoi parts... cuz the gal looks VERY like a guy!! so bishie!!! hahaha... damn nice... then tried to use scanner again but still cannot lor... dang it!! it saes cant connect so dunno its the cable problem or scanner prob.. installed program again but still cannot work.. hmm... if its scanner problem ah... then i gotta go look for the warranty card liao.. hope its still there man!! >.> been on the yahoo pool for the whole afternoon man... but rating still so low.. hahaha... dunno if i should go play awhile now not... ^^;; ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:25 PM | 0 comments aiyoh!! this afternoon someone called moi... guess who?? it was MRS LEOW!!! apparently SOMEONE told her that i havent been studying... so she called moi up n scolded moi... -_-|| wonder am i the ONLY one who got her 'special' treatment?? >_< haiz... MUZ be only moi la... hahahaha.... XD ~Praise the Lord~ at 9:47 PM | 0 comments hai!! juz went sch meet hong then went fish shop buy fishies~~ saw alot i like leh... but muz consider wat i have in tank though... so only bought two dwarf puffer~~ hehehe... ^_^ i like puffer cuz they round round then the fins so small.. swim look soooo cute!!! hahaha... but dwarf one dunno will look okie not.. those i think super cute are normal puffers ma~~ =P think its gonna be okie la.. but they both go swim behing the plant cant see them... >.> oso juz changed some stuff to pink here~~ hahah... cant stand all blue man!!! =P ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:05 PM | 0 comments found this whole list~~ but its individual.. no blends here though... ^_^ ESSENTIAL OILS FROM TISSERAND BASIL (herb) ocimum basilicum Basil is a fortifying oil with a warm and spicy aroma. It has a refreshing and toning effect on skin. BENZOIN (trees) styrax benzoin Benzoin's penetrating qualities are useful in massage for easing tired muscles. It has a sweet, warm and soothing fragrance. BERGAMOT (rind of the fruit) citrus bergamia Bergamot is good for skincare preparations and its fresh citrus aroma has a stabilising effect on the emotions. This light, uplifting fragrance blends well with other essential oils. BLACK PEPPER (peppercorns) piper nigrum One of the oldest known spices, Black Pepper is useful in massage to relax tired muscles. It is a penetrating oil and has a warm, stimulating effect. CAMOMILE GERMAN (flowers) matricaria chamomilla As Roman Camomile, but it has the key ingredient of Azulene. CAMOMILE ROMAN (flowers) anthemis nobilis This light fragrance is sweet and soothing. An excellent oil for use in skincare - soft and gentle. CARDOMON (seeds) elettaria cardamomum A warming oil that is useful in the bath to fight fatigue. With stimulating properties, it has a sweet and spicy aroma. CARROT SEED (seeds) daucus carota Carrot Seed is very nourishing and toning for the skin. It is cleansing and has a sweet, dry aroma. CEDARWOOD ATLAS (trees) cedrus atlantica A sensual and soothing oil that is beneficial on oily skin. It has a woody fragrance. Helps to lift the spirits. CEDARWOOD (VIRGINIAN) (trees) juniperus virginiana A soothing and harmonising oil which is particularly beneficial for oily skins. It has a dry, woody fragrance. CITRONELLA (grass) cymbopogon nardusA powerful lemony aroma - useful as an air freshener or insect repellant. Its deodorant and stimulating qualities are excellent for tired, sweaty feet! CLARY SAGE (herb) salvia sclarea Clary Sage has euphoric properties to induce a sense of well being. It has a warm, nutty scent. CORIANDER (dried fruits) coriandrum sativum A stimulating oil that helps to combat fatigue and lethargy. With warming properties, Coriander has a sweet, spicy fragrance. CYPRESS (leaves of the tree) cupressus sempervirens A natural astringent and deodorant, with a pleasing woody fragrance. The properties of Cypress make it an effective foot bath. EUCALYPTUS (leaves of the tree) eucalyptus globulus This is a fresh, stimulating and penetrating oil, which is clearing when used as an inhalant. It is wonderfully antiseptic and is useful in massage blends for muscular fatigue. FENNEL (herb) foeniculum vulgare Fennel has a powerful anise-like aroma and has effective cleansing and toning properties. FRANKINCENSE (tree resin) boswellia thurifera Frankincense brings a rejuvenating and toning quality to mature skin. It has an antiseptic, soothing effect on the lungs and a haunting, woody fragrance. GERANIUM (leaves) pelargonium graveolens Geranium has a mild tonic action, suitable for all skin types. It is cleansing and refreshing and has a delicious floral fragrance. GINGER (root of the plant) zingiber officinale With its warm, spicy aroma, Ginger is useful in massage blends as a fortifying tonic for tired muscles. GRAPEFRUIT (rind of the fruit) citrus paradisi An oil with a highly revitalising and elevating effect on the emotions. It has a sharp, zesty fragrance. IMMORTELLE (flowers) helichrysum angustifolium A woody oil, Immortelle is both rejuvenating and soothing. With fungicidal and regenerative properties, this oil is excellent in skincare blends. JASMINE ABSOLUTE (flowers) jasminum officinale An exquisite floral scent which is sensual and luxuriant. It is relaxing, whilst uplifting. In skincare, Jasmine is a balming tonic. JUNIPER (berries) juniperus communis An astringent used in skincare preparations. It has a clear, refreshing aroma. KANUKA (foliage) leptospermum ericoides With antibacterial and antifungal properties, Kanuka is a good alternative to Tea-Tree. It has a fresh, bracing aroma and is useful in skincare preparations. LAVENDER (flowers) lavandula angustifolia Lavender is a most versatile and soothing oil. It is wonderfully relaxing and its rejuvenating properties make it useful in skincare preparations. Blends well with other oils. LEMON (rind of the fruit) citrus limonum Refreshing and cooling, lemon is beneficial in skincare preparations for its cleansing properties. It has a delightfully clean and tangy fragrance. LEMONGRASS (grass) cymbopogon citratus With a stronger and sweeter aroma than Lemon, Lemongrass is deodorising and excellent for tired, aching feet. It is an effective antiseptic. LIME (rind of the fruit) citrus latifolia Lime has a refreshing and sweet aroma and blends well with other oils. A general tonic, uplifting to a tired mind. LINDEN BLOSSOM ABSOLUTE (flowers) tilea europoea A delicate, luxurious and unusual fragrance with relaxing properties. Ideal as a natural perfume. MANDARIN (rind of the fruit) citrus reticulata A calm and gentle stimulant with a cheering fragrance. Useful in massage blends for care of the skin, particularly where there are stretch marks. MARJORAM SPANISH (herb) thymus mastichina A soothing, warming oil with a sweet penetrating aroma. Promotes relaxation and helpful for muscle fatigue. MARJORAM FRENCH (herb) origanum marjorana A comforting oil with a warm woody odour and a soothing, fortifying effect. Ideal to relieve anxiety. MAY CHANG (fruit) litsea cubeba This oil has astringent and toning properties. Its sweet and fruity fragrance makes it an invigorating tonic. MELISSA (leaves and flowers) melissa officinalis Having a sweet, citrus scent, Melissa is soothing and uplifting. MYRRH (tree resin) commiphora myrrha A soothing oil with astringent properties. Myrrh is excellent for various skin conditions, particularly for the mature skin. Its unusual aroma is smoky and musky. NIAOULI (leaf of the tree) malaleuca viridiflora A clearing oil, Niaouli is useful in skincare preparations, particularly on problem skin. ORANGE (rind of the fruit) citrus sinensis With a delicious tangy fragrance, Orange is a refreshing and mildly relaxing oil. ORANGE BLOSSOM (NEROLI) (flowers) citrus aurantium Orange Blossom is a sweet, exquisite perfume with warm, rejuvenating properties. It is valuable in skincare. PALMAROSA (grass) cymbopogon martini Palmarosa has a refreshing effect, having a sweet, floral fragrance. It is useful in skincare preparations. PATCHOULI (herb) pogostemon cablin A relaxant with an earthy, sensual fragrance. It is a balancing oil and is helpful in skincare, particularly for the mature skin. PEPPERMINT (herb) mentha piperita Soothing, refreshing and invigorating, Peppermint is useful in massage for muscle fatigue. PETITGRAIN (orange tree leaf) citrus aurantium Petitgrain has a delicate, woody aroma and is a refreshing deodorant. Having astringent properties, it is frequently used as an ingredient in skincare. PINE (trees) pinus sylvestris A stimulating oil with antiseptic properties. It has a fresh, sharp aroma and is an effective deodorant and air freshener. ROSE ABSOLUTE (flowers) rosa damascena A beautiful and elegant fragrance which makes a special perfume. ROSE OTTO (flowers) rosa damascena Traditionally known as the 'Queen of Flowers', Rose was probably the first flower from which an essential oil was ever distilled in the tenth century. Only a little of this special oil is needed as its perfuming is great. ROSE PHYTOL (flowers) madame isaac perrier / louise odier / belle de crecy / roserie de l'hay This exquisite oil lifts the emotions and is truly excellent in skincare preparations. ROSEMARY (herb) rosmarinus officinalis An invigorating and penetrating oil. Useful to promote mental stimulation and relieve muscular fatigue. It is beneficial in haircare preparations. ROSEWOOD (tree) aniba rosaeodora A sweet and subtle woody fragrance, Rosewood is perfect for relaxation. SANDALWOOD (tree) santalum album A relaxant with sensual properties. Promotes a feeling of wellbeing with a warm, distinctive fragrance. In skincare, Sandalwood is useful for all skin types. TEA-TREE (leaves of the tree) melaleuca alternifolia A deep cleansing and stimulating oil with strong antibacterial properties. Ideal for problem skin. VETIVER (grass) vetiveria zizanoides This has a woody, earthy aroma and has a subtle relaxing effect. It is a comforting tonic. VIOLET LEAF ABSOLUTE (flowers) viola odorata A gentle oil that helps to promote confidence and self-esteem. Violet Leaf's mossy aroma is unlike that of the flower. YARROW (MILFOIL) (flower heads) achillea millefolium A rejuvenating and cleansing oil, which is useful in skincare and haircare. This oil has a blue colour and has a delicious sweet aroma. YLANG-YLANG (flowers) cananga odorata A soothing and sensual oil with a floral and exotic fragrance. Excellent for both oily and dry skin. ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:21 AM | 0 comments juz typed out some stuff that this author quoted in her novel.. ANISE a pale yellow oil with sweet spicy frangrance reminiscent of liquorice. in large doses it has a narcotic effect. it should be used with extreme caution and in moderation only. anise is good for aches and pains, particularly in the neck. ROSE a pale oil with a rich, sweet, floral and slightly spicy aroma. rose is well-known for its healing properties and as the symbol of venus - the goddess of love and beauty - often inducing feelings of wellbeing and tolerance in its user. emotionally, it will bring out your deepest feelings and gladden an aching heart. physically, it is good for cooling inflammations and swellings. SPIKENARD an amber-coloured oil with a distinctly animal attractive odour. spikenard is an excellant antidote for insomnia, nervous indigestion, headaches, stress and tension. it is useful in fighting withdrawal from addictive substances, helping to alleviate symptoms such as palpitations, breathing difficulties, distorted vision, confusion and panic attacks. emotionally, it can soothe aggression and anger, speed the healing process and induce a positive state of mind. MELISSA a pale yellow oil with a light fresh fragrance of lemons, which helps to induce a sense of calm and sensitivity. care must be taken when purchasing melissa, as this is the most frequently adulterated oils, usually with the addition of lemon, lemongrass or citronella. it is difficult to find true, pure melissa. ANGELICA a colourless oil which turns brown with age. physically, it is used for fatigue, migraine, nervous tension and stress-related disorders. emotionally,angelica is useful for balancing erratic mood swings and helping to create a calm, peaceful environment. FRANKINCENSE a dark oil with a fresh top note and a warm rich tone underpinning it. it modifies the scent of citrus oils, particularly, melissa. frankincense is valued for healing blemishes, wounds and old scars. it is a buffer for anxiety and helps to bring spiritual enlightenment. unlock deepseated stress and release the battle-weary spirit. SECRET PASSIONS -rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang all of us harbour secret passions. little things that only we know can stir our blood, warm the dark corners of our hearts and make us feel like we're walking on air. this highly fragrant and extravagant blend of luxurious antural oils help to unlock the secret passions deep within our you - so that your secret love will be no secret anymore! all these are taken from this book, the complete encyclopaedia of aromatherapy oils by jessamine lovage. im gonna check this book out.. either in the library or bookshop... if its good then i might buy it~~ haha... *suddenly interested in essential oils~~* ^_^ gonna go online n search on more info on them~~ =P ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:36 AM | 0 comments argh!! juz now wanted to view my blog then the template dunno wat happened got reverted back to normal... lucky i got this UNWANTED experience b4.. so got save moi tamplate.. so juz copied pasted n published n its back to normal~~ T_T ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:55 PM | 0 comments aiyoh~~ yest forgot to blog la~~ yest i went sch ard 10 plus for the maths consultation lor... but i no qns.. sianz.. in the end got mi, ping, elim n v then they three asking qns.. while i trying out qns from tys lor.. IF got problem then i ask v if she dunno i then ask teacher lor... that was moi first time since so long actually DOING qns!! hahaha..... die liao... everyone revision like almost done le.. mi then is juz started... haiz.... *really shld be pia-ing now le* hmmm.... *wonder if i shld abstain from net for a while....* XD but i sure CMI one... argh!!! hahaha.... then yest in sch til abt 6pm then all pack up wanna go le.. then while packing i felt my bag like got sth extra then foiund out its moi deck of poker cards~~ haha.. so i assked if they wanna play la... only three of us wana... the others wanna study... so mi, v n ping played three person daidee~~ first round ping won then 2nd moi won then 3rd v won... all take turns so good huh?? then after that they two wanna play bridge so jio their bfs play... but only boon joined in.. cuz quan n ping is pairing against us ma~~ hahaha... we played til abt 6.30 or longer la... then went home to catch holland v!! then watched tv til 11.45pm westside story by 5566~!!! weeuweee~~~ then at ard midnight went down to pass some sa t-shirts i bought for moi icq fren in sch yest... cuz he sae they look nice so he wanna wear... haha... then we stood ard n chatted til 1am... then cuz dad waiting so had to go back la~ lol.... amazingly we veri click lor.. haha... tok so long... haha... then after he sms moi ask can he be moi god bro... lol.... XD not used ehh!! cuz its always been MOI looking after ppl not the other way round~~ ^_^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:46 PM | 0 comments yayy!!! at last finished one album.... put the link up liao~~ hope it works ne?? =P ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:27 AM | 0 comments hmm.... lazy to ul the piccy here leh.... so think i gonna put link so u guys can go moi yahoo photo album lor~~ ^_^ *goes do it now~~* ~Praise the Lord~ at 9:59 PM | 0 comments came across this saying in irc trivia i playing... "a bikini is like a barbed-wire fence. it protects the property without obstructing the view." -- joey adams. so true hor?? ahhahaha.... now going bathe.. damn full~~ ate thai laska for dinner... think tomolo lunch oso this la~~! hahaha... then after bath will upload some piccy i took todae~ ^__^ all bo liao pics la... =P ~Praise the Lord~ at 8:31 PM | 0 comments DAMN SHAGGED NOW!!! juz played badminton n tennis from 6pm to abt 9 plus!!! wif mel, sunny n theresa... haha.. got lotsa luffs la... hahaha.... then todae afternoon after consultation went to QSC to shop shop wif v n ping.. saw this canvas bag that i like ne~~ but they both sae its too big for moi.. but i like big bags wat... damn chio i think lor!! its 35 bucks la... hmm.... haiz.. dunno la.. will see ard somemore lor~~ then the one i like got two diff design.. one is backpack like that.. another is one side sling... like cross sling or side sling.. ^^;; now damn tired la.. dun feel like blogging much.. tomolo still nid to wake up damn early to go SIR building to get moi new passport lor... >_< wif moi dad n sis somemore!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:57 AM | 0 comments | |
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